12. Z-score

12.1. Description

Calculate Z-score as an overall measurement for these six metrics. The Z-score approach becomes valuable , for example, when we are comparing a query TF with multiple other TFs to identify potential co-factors.

  • collocation coefficient (C)

  • Jaccard similarity coefficient (J)

  • Sørensen–Dice coefficient (SD)

  • Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficient (SS)

  • pointwise mutual information (PMI)

  • normalized pointwise mutual information (NPMI)

First, values of the six metrics were converted into Z-scores by Z_i = (x – μ)/σ, where μ and σ are the average and standard deviation of the score, and i belongs to {C, J, SD, SS, PMI, NPMI}. Then, the combined Z-score is defined as:

Alternative text

12.2. Usage

cobind.py zscore -h

usage: cobind.py zscore [-h] [-l log_file] [-d] input_file.tsv output_file.tsv

positional arguments:
  input_file.tsv        Input dataframe with row names and column names. Must
                        separate different columns with tab. If "C", "J",
                        "SD", "SS", "PMI", "NPMI" are used as the column
                        names, only these six columns will be used to
                        calculate the Z-score, otherwise, all numerical
                        columns in the dataframe will be used.
  output_file.tsv       Output dataframe with Z-scores as the last column.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l log_file, --log log_file
                        This file is used to save the log information. By
                        default, if no file is specified (None), the log
                        information will be printed to the screen.
  -d, --debug           Print detailed information for debugging.

12.3. Example

First, download the test file: CTCF_vs_ReMap.tsv

cobind.py zscore CTCF_vs_ReMap.tsv output.tsv

2023-07-06 10:20:35 [INFO]  Calculate Z-scores from "CTCF_vs_ReMap.tsv"

              C      J     SD     SS     PMI    NPMI
 RAD21   0.1446 0.0224 0.0438 0.9326  2.0074  0.3417
 SMC3    0.1430 0.0214 0.0420 0.9525  2.0285  0.3428
 SMC1A   0.1413 0.0211 0.0413 0.9462  2.0219  0.3407
 TRIM22  0.1400 0.0214 0.0419 0.9127  1.9858  0.3355
 STAG1   0.1368 0.0191 0.0375 0.9787  2.0556  0.3407
 ...        ...    ...    ...    ...     ...     ...
 SVIL    0.0017 0.0000 0.0000 0.1376  0.0936  0.0073
 ZNF212  0.0014 0.0000 0.0000 0.1473  0.1616  0.0122
 ZNF570  0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0955 -0.2710 -0.0205
 SIRT3   0.0011 0.0000 0.0000 0.1249 -0.0033 -0.0002
 GLI1    0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0267 -1.5442 -0.1054

 [1207 rows x 6 columns]

 2023-07-06 10:20:35 [INFO]  Save Z-scores to "output.tsv"
               C       J      SD      SS     PMI    NPMI  Zscore
 RAD21    3.5704  3.3312  3.2881  3.8229  2.0169  2.7221  7.6553
 SMC3     3.5114  3.1213  3.0964  3.9639  2.0615  2.7375  7.5493
 SMC1A    3.4488  3.0584  3.0218  3.9192  2.0475  2.7082  7.4317
 TRIM22   3.4009  3.1213  3.0857  3.6819  1.9711  2.6355  7.3062
 STAG1    3.2830  2.6387  2.6172  4.1494  2.1189  2.7082  7.1506
 ...         ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...
 SVIL    -1.6949 -1.3698 -1.3765 -1.8082 -2.0337 -1.9490 -4.1772
 ZNF212  -1.7059 -1.3698 -1.3765 -1.7395 -1.8898 -1.8806 -4.0670
 ZNF570  -1.7133 -1.3698 -1.3765 -2.1064 -2.8054 -2.3373 -4.7801
 SIRT3   -1.7170 -1.3698 -1.3765 -1.8982 -2.2388 -2.0538 -4.3495
 GLI1    -1.7465 -1.3698 -1.3765 -2.5937 -5.5001 -3.5233 -6.5768

 [1207 rows x 7 columns]