9. Covary

9.1. Description

Evaluate the signal correlations (Pearson’s r , Spearman’s 𝜌, and Kendall’s 𝜏) between two sets of genomic intervals.

9.2. Usage

cobind.py covary -h

usage: cobind.py covary [-h] [--nameA NAMEA] [--nameB NAMEB] [--na NA_LABEL]
                        [--type {mean,min,max}] [--topx TOP_X]
                        [--min_sig MIN_SIGNAL] [--exact] [--keepna]
                        [-l log_file] [-d]
                        input_A.bed input_A.bw input_B.bed input_B.bw

positional arguments:
  input_A.bed           Genomic regions in BED, BED-like or bigBed format. The
                        BED-like format includes:'bed3', 'bed4', 'bed6',
                        'bed12', 'bedgraph', 'narrowpeak', 'broadpeak',
                        'gappedpeak'. BED and BED-like format can be plain
                        text, compressed (.gz, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) or
                        remote (http://, https://, ftp://) files. Do not
                        compress BigBed foramt. BigBed file can also be a
                        remote file.
  input_A.bw            Input bigWig file matched to 'input_A.bed'. BigWig
                        file can be local or remote. Note: the chromosome IDs
                        must be consistent between BED and bigWig files.
  input_B.bed           Genomic regions in BED, BED-like or bigBed format. The
                        BED-like format includes:'bed3', 'bed4', 'bed6',
                        'bed12', 'bedgraph', 'narrowpeak', 'broadpeak',
                        'gappedpeak'. BED and BED-like format can be plain
                        text, compressed (.gz, .z, .bz, .bz2, .bzip2) or
                        remote (http://, https://, ftp://) files. Do not
                        compress BigBed foramt. BigBed file can also be a
                        remote file.
  input_B.bw            Input bigWig file matched to 'input_B.bed'. BigWig
                        file can be local or remote. Note: the chromosome IDs
                        must be consistent between BED and bigWig files.
  output_prefix         Prefix of output files. Three files will be generated:
                        "output_prefix_bedA_unique.tsv" (input_A.bed specific
                        regions and their bigWig scores),
                        "output_prefix_bedB_unique.tsv" (input_B.bed specific
                        regions and their bigWig scores), and
                        "output_prefix_common.tsv"(input_A.bed and input_B.bed
                        overlapped regions and their bigWig scores).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nameA NAMEA         Name of the 1st set of genomic interval, if not
                        proviced, "bedA" will be used. Only affects the name
                        of output file.
  --nameB NAMEB         Name of the 2nd set of genomic interval, if not
                        proviced, "bedB" will be used. Only affects the name
                        of output file.
  --na NA_LABEL         Symbols used to represent the missing values.
                        (default: nan)
  --type {mean,min,max}
                        Summary statistic score type ('min','mean' or 'max')
                        of a genomic region. (default: mean)
  --topx TOP_X          Fraction (if 0 < top_X <= 1) or number (if top_X > 1)
                        of genomic regions used to calculate Pearson,
                        Spearman, Kendall's correlations. If TOP_X == 1 (i.e.,
                        100%), all the genomic regions will be used to
                        calculate correlations. (default: 1.0)
  --min_sig MIN_SIGNAL  Genomic region with summary statistic score <= this
                        will be removed. (default: 0)
  --exact               If set, calculate the "exact" summary statistic score
                        rather than "zoom-level" score for each genomic
  --keepna              If set, a genomic region will be kept even it does not
                        have summary statistical score in either of the two
                        bigWig files. This flag only affects the output TSV
  -l log_file, --log log_file
                        This file is used to save the log information. By
                        default, if no file is specified (None), the log
                        information will be printed to the screen.
  -d, --debug           Print detailed information for debugging.

9.3. Example

cobind.py covary CTCF_ENCFF660GHM.bed3 CTCF_ENCFF682MFJ_FC.bigWig RAD21_ENCFF057JFH.bed3
RAD21_ENCFF130GMP.bigWig output
2022-01-20 02:56:53 [INFO]  Read and union BED file: "CTCF_ENCFF660GHM.bed3"
2022-01-20 02:56:54 [INFO]  Unioned regions of "CTCF_ENCFF660GHM.bed3" : 58584
2022-01-20 02:56:54 [INFO]  Read and union BED file: "RAD21_ENCFF057JFH.bed3"
2022-01-20 02:56:54 [INFO]  Unioned regions of "RAD21_ENCFF057JFH.bed3" : 31955
               Correlation  P-value
Pearson_cor:        0.6378   0.0000
Spearman_rho:       0.6355   0.0000
Kendall_tau:        0.4406   0.0000
2022-01-20 02:57:06 [INFO]  Calculate covariabilities of "CTCF_ENCFF660GHM.bed3"
                            unique regions ...
2022-01-20 02:57:16 [INFO]  Sort dataframe by summary statistical scores ...
2022-01-20 02:57:16 [INFO]  Save dataframe to: "output_bedA_unique.tsv"
2022-01-20 02:57:16 [INFO]  Select 30347 regions ...
               Correlation  P-value
Pearson_cor:        0.3356   0.0000
Spearman_rho:       0.3667   0.0000
Kendall_tau:        0.2489   0.0000
2022-01-20 02:57:16 [INFO]  Calculate covariabilities of "RAD21_ENCFF057JFH.bed3"
                            unique regions ...
2022-01-20 02:57:18 [INFO]  Sort dataframe by summary statistical scores ...
2022-01-20 02:57:18 [INFO]  Save dataframe to: "output_bedB_unique.tsv"
2022-01-20 02:57:18 [INFO]  Select 3822 regions ...
               Correlation  P-value
Pearson_cor:        0.2511   0.0000
Spearman_rho:       0.2261   0.0000
Kendall_tau:        0.1534   0.0000